Dementia is a general term for a number of disorders and illnesses that impact your memory, thinking, reasoning, and personality. The main challenges for those with dementia include general memory loss, rapid changes in behavior or mood change, confusion, decreased speaking skills, and difficulty walking and balancing. If you have an elderly loved one with dementia, it is essential to provide them with a comfortable and stimulating home environment in order to establish a connection with them.

Engaging in creative and enjoyable activities can slow down the process of cognitive decline while improving overall quality of life. Furthermore, stimulating at-home activities for elders with dementia can bring happiness while reducing agitation.  

If you are looking for engaging activities for seniors with dementia, you are in the correct place.

Engaging Activities for Seniors with Dementia

Physical Activities That Enhance Health and Balance

Physical activity decreases blood pressure and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which affect dementia patients. These can help improve the primary muscle groups, control of fine motor skills, and cardiovascular health. While your loved one possibly no longer has the agility or balance to move in similar ways they once did, many Dementia activities can be customized as needed. Some of the choices for persons who are less mobile are:

  • Scarf Dancing

Scarf dancing is an exercise that keeps your loved one moving and helps them improve their balance. Motivate them to use their arms in large movements, like waving them in the air. Then, throw scarves at them from various angles so that they twist and reach in different directions. If they have difficulty standing, scarf dance can be done while sitting or lying down.

  • Dress-up: 

Pretend that you’re heading somewhere fun, such as a party or sports event. Then, arrange clothes for your loved one to choose from. These can be items from their wardrobe or interesting accessories like a colorful hat and large sunglasses. Allow them to choose their own clothes, but remain available and ready to assist if they require it. This can also be a wonderful physical challenge for their coordination and endurance, but keep a chair nearby if they need to rest.

  • Batting balloons: 

Try to maintain a balloon in the air by blowing it up and batting it back and forth with your elderly one. This can be done while sitting or standing.

  • Step dance: 

Introduce simple dancing steps to your seniors and have them practice the moves. For example, “Step forward with your right foot and clap your hands.” Turn on music with an easy beat that they can try to replicate. 

2. Cognitive Activities

A study discovered that maintaining a cognitively active lifestyle in old age can delay the onset of dementia by up to 5 years. Keeping the mind active and engaged can help support cognitive functions.

Engage your seniors in cognitive stimulation activities that improve hand-eye coordination. Many simple tasks can help improve this, and you can try to include them in your elder’s regular routine. They could include:

  • Paint, color, or sketch a picture 
  • Bounce a ball against a wall.
  • Playing catch with a companion.
  • Tai chi and sewing
  • Sudoku and Crossword Puzzles

Playing word and number games, like sudoku and crossword puzzles, can help the elderly stay engaged daily. Sudokus are ideal for people who have always been mathematically inclined, whereas crossword puzzles provide low-stress problem-solving possibilities.

  • Card Games

These games are played using many types of playing cards. It can include a conventional deck of cards, such as Rummy, or cards designed specifically for the game, like Uno.

These games are excellent for improving skills like thinking, problem-solving, memory, and focus, all of which are usually in decline in dementia patients.

  • Reading

According to a study, reading can improve cognitive skills, preserve memory, and even help to slow the reduction in brain capacity and hence needs to be encouraged in people suffering from Dementia.

3. Sensory Activity for People With Dementia

When your elderly loved one’s senses are stimulated, they can recall previous experiences and live a more engaging and fulfilling life.

  • Using the sense of smell: 

Smells can activate memories in the brain. Giving your seniors one familiar smell, like warm bread or freshly cut grass, will help them recall joyful memories. 

  • Touching items:

Engaging them by having them touch a familiar object, like beads or yarn, can assist in triggering memories. Feeling various textures can be an interesting dementia activity that promotes sensory stimulation and memory. You can use fluffy animal fur, moist soil, or perhaps leaves.

  • Taste recalls:

Taste can help bring back happy memories. If you can cook them a specific dessert, dinner, or anything similar, it will assist them in recalling pleasant memories related to that treat.

  • Feel several different textures:

Feeling various textures can be an interesting dementia activity that promotes sensory stimulation and memory. You can use fluffy animal fur, moist soil, or perhaps leaves.

4. Creative Activities for Seniors With Dementia

It is essential to keep individuals with dementia engaged in activities that are relevant to their earlier interests or talents. Try to obtain a deeper grasp of the hobbies and skills your loved one has shown in the past so you can select Senior care activities that are enjoyable for them.

  • Try utilizing sounds:

Music boosts memories in dementia patients and can aid in creativity. Connecting to music and singing the songs they love provides a positive experience.

  • Motivate them to use visual expressions.

It is wonderful to see them using painting and drawing for expressing themselves. Encourage the use of strong, vibrant colors and surfaces; this can be entertaining and therapeutic for them and a way to express themselves emotionally.

  • Use sensory arts:

Activities using multiple textures, such as clay, are great ways to occupy your elderly loved one. You can also experiment with various shapes and sizes of different materials.

Safety Tips for Activities


  • Be mindful of overstimulating environments.
  • Avoid places with too much noise, people, or activity. 
  • Opt for familiar and calm settings. 

Focus on Ability: 

  • Choose memory care activities based on their skills and interests. It’s more enjoyable and promotes a sense of accomplishment.

Minimize Fall Risks: 

  • Ensure good lighting and clear walkways. 
  • Remove loose rugs and secure electrical cords. 
  • Install grab bars in bathrooms.

Kitchen Safety: 

  • Consider removing knobs from the stove or installing hidden shut-off valves. 
  • Opt for appliances with auto-shut-off features.


  • Depending on the activity level, supervision may be necessary to ensure safety and prevent falls or getting lost.

Comfort and Needs:  

  • Be attentive to your loved one’s comfort level and physical needs. 
  • Take breaks when needed and avoid pushing them beyond their capabilities.

Adapting Activities: 

  • Modify activities as needed. For example, use large, brightly colored pieces for puzzles or break down gardening tasks into smaller, manageable steps.


We realize that you want nothing but the best for your loved one who suffers from dementia. However, taking care of a loved one can be time-consuming, making it tough to give priority to your own needs or find time for other responsibilities in your life. At Family Ties Home Care, we offer companion home health care, where our caregivers can provide daily care for your loved one. They will assist them with stimulating Dementia-friendly activities to keep their minds active and joyful.